
Assessing Teaching Effectiveness campaign image



The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign works to provide an excellent education to its students. Just as scholars review one another’s research to make the work stronger, teaching evaluation serves many important functions for advancing the quality of education at Illinois. A robust and unbiased system of teaching evaluation helps all instructors to hone their craft and keep their work up to date; guides hiring, promotion, and tenure decisions; and informs merit raises and awards that recognize excellence in teaching.

Recent innovations at other institutions and research both show opportunities to improve how we evaluate teaching at Illinois. Many different types of professionals make important contributions to teaching at Illinois, such as tenure-track faculty, non-tenure-track faculty, academic professionals, and graduate employees; our system of teaching evaluation can work to support all teaching professionals on campus. We can make teaching better, have more streamlined teaching evaluation processes, and support personnel functions that are more efficient and equitable.


Task Force Final Report




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In an effort to be collaborative and transparent, we have set up this page to gather comments about the recommendations from the Assessing Teaching Effectiveness Task Force. All submitted comments should be relevant to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign community. Please ensure that your comments do not: use obscene, threatening or harassing language; disclose information that is confidential by law or regulation; promote or advocate illegal activity; violate copyrights or trademarks; are commercial advertising, unsolicited self-promotion, SPAM, or solicitations; or endorse or oppose anyone campaigning for election to a political office. All users, including page administrators, are subject to the terms of service. Comments posted do not necessarily represent the opinions of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

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